
Latest Event News

Season 17/18 has begun

A successful duathlon and breaking the ice on Sun 24 Sep signalled the start of season 2017/18. There were good numbers across the board for our four duathlon events on […]

Break the Ice this Sunday

Welcome to season 2017/18! This is our traditional season opener with a club duathlon, followed by the annual ‘Break the Ice’ to celebrate the start of a new season. All […]

The schedule for season 17/18

Hi Piranhas, The bulk of the race calendar for season 17/18 is locked in and we want to share the dates with you: Interclub: 1. Mudgee Sun 19 Nov 2. […]

Survey results – plans begin for season 17/18

winnersHi OCTC,

We had a whopping 52 responses to our survey and this is an initial summary of insights / recommendations from these:

  • We should have roughly same number of events next season
  • If people don’t race, mainly due competing family / work, and then it is due competing triathlons – it is a crowded calendar!
  • Race day schedule has overwhelming support ie start with Sprint, finish with Midget
  • Race day experience overall is good, and room still to improve
  • Gosling Creek aquathlon series on a Fri arvo has support
  • We need to be mindful of Sprint and Olympic qualifiers for Gold Coast World Age Group as we build our OCTC calendar
  • Solid base of volunteers for next season, no new committee nominees, but some new names for other jobs
  • Heaps of great ideas – will take some time to work through them and work out which ones we can pull off next season

Next steps:

  • A small group will now take these survey results and plan season 17/18.
  • We will be in contact in mid Sep with those who volunteered – now is the time to relax, enjoy an off season and see you again at the breaking of the ice in late Sept!

Dave Hunter
on behalf of 16/17 committee

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Piranha Survey 2017


Season 2016/17 is now over and our triathlon club had its most successful season ever with three titles from the Tri NSW Club Champs and retention of the Central West Interclub. There were also many fine individual performances. For the season just finished, your club hosted 6 triathlons, attended 4 Interclubs, offered 3 open water swims, heavily involved in a Junior triathlon weekend, and packaged a weekend of events and fab shirt with the Tri NSW Club Champs weekend.

However the club will not rest on these achievements. You should know we had a drop in members and drop in participants at our races this 16/17 season. This survey is to understand what our members want so we line up well for season 17/18. We won’t please everyone, but we seek to please as many as we can!

Please take a moment to think as you complete the survey, it should only take 5 minutes. The survey is open until 31 May 2017 and a summary will be shared soon after. Thank you in advance!

Thank you, the survey has now completed.

Thank you Piranhas, we had 52 responses to our survey. We will collate the results and post a summary soon.