Great start to the season with breaking the ice
A great start to the season in sunny and slightly windy conditions. Over 70 racers over the four distances with results below – we don’t record places for the Midgets as we want to foster participation for our young ‘uns.
And then 17 brave souls ‘broke the ice’ after racing…about 13 degrees in Lake Canobolas. Thanks Justin from Stent Event Photography for the great shots. Be on the lookout for news stories on WIN and Prime this week.
Juniors: (400m run / 800m bike / 400m run)
- Hugh Thornhill
- Will Thornhill
- Sophie Martin
Short External: (1.25k run / 10k bike / 1.25k run)
- Tom Tudor
- Ethan Buesnel
- Ben Broadley
Long External: (2.5k run / 20k bike / 2.5k run)
- Phil Tudor
- Janet Martin
- Mike McDonald