
The 2024/2025 Season has started – Next race Sunday 20/10/2024

The 2024/2025 Season started for the Orange Tri Club with the traditional Breaking of the Ice Duathlon on Sunday 29th September 2024.

We were pleased to see nearly 30 triathletes having a crack at the Zoom, Enticer, Super Sprint and Sprint events on a crisp 10 degree September morning with winds of 20-30kms/hr.

It was awesome to see some of our club regulars and also some new faces. Well done to all and we hope you all enjoyed the run, bike run, format.

After the sprint event 11 brave souls made their way into Gosling Creek for the annual Breaking of the Ice dunking and if the sheer rush to get out of the water was anything to go by it was still too chilly for a swim leg.

The next Club Event will be held on Sunday 20/10/2024 with the same Duathlon Format. There is a distance for everyone and modifications can be made for those new to the sport or struggling with injury.

The Schedule for the OTC Duathlon on 20/10/2025.

  • 7:00am Set up – helpers encouraged to come out to help with the bike racking and signage
  • 7:30am Rego in front of Gosling Creek shed
  • 7:40am Safety briefing for Zoom and Enticer
  • 7:50am Kids Zoom (internal) 250m run, 1.1km ride (internal), 250m run
  • 8:00am Enticer (internal) 500m run, 4.4km ride (internal), 500m run
  • 8:15am Safety Briefing for Super Sprint
  • 8:25am Super Sprint (internal) 2km run, 8.8km ride (internal), 1km run
  • 8:50am Safety Briefing for Sprint
  • 9:00am Sprint (external) 3km run. 23km ride (external), 2km run

Cost – Club members free. Non members – Zoom $5, Enticer $10, Super Sprint $20, Sprint $35

Registration Link –