
Call to arms re: Meat Raffles


It’s that time again when we ask for volunteers to fill the meat raffle roster. For those of you who aren’t aware, OCTC hold a meat raffle sponsored by Hotel Canobolas every third Wednesday. It involves an easy hour or so selling tickets to the Trivia Night crowd (with the added bonus of being able to enjoy a wee tipple afterwards). It is a significant fundraiser for our club and helps to keep our membership costs down, whilst providing some of the best equipment and facilities of any club going around.

Thank you to those who volunteered last season. Please contact us if you do not wish to continue your role this year.

For anyone else who is in a position to help out, please email by the end of next week (9 September) to let us know. If there are a group of you who would like to work together, please advise in your email. We hope to have the roster finalised in the next couple of weeks.