
Club Run this Sunday 10th January

Hi to all OCTC members, family and friends,

Welcome to 2016.  We kick start the New Year with a club run this Sunday.  Designed to get the legs moving after the festive season and run off some of the “Christmas Cheer”, the morning is about participation, swapping ideas and helping your club mates to their New Year’s Goals.


·         When                   Sunday 10 January 2015

·         Where                  Elephant Park

·         Time                     8.00am to 10.00am

·         Format                 Social run with self-seeding groups.

·         Contact                Phil Tudor

Organise your own training group, or come along and join in with the group that suits your needs and ability.  Your committee have introduced extra activities this year based on your feedback to further grow our club by sharing our knowledge, experience and culture.  Be sure to welcome individuals into your training groups and/or to like-minded club members.

We are sure to have:

·         Social runners

·         Long distance

·         Interval and speed sets

·         Skills and techniques

Look for the “Piranha Marquee” near the car park for “Elephant Park” on Woodward Street.

Where ever you are competing, race hard, fair and with OCTC pride.


Orange Cycle and Triathlon Club