
Club Triathlon 01/11/15 Results


Well done to everyone who managed to make it out to Lake Canobolas today for the first triathlon of the season. Thankfully the weatherman was in our favour and we had clear skies for the race. Even though the water was a bit fresh, and thus the swim leg shortened, everyone did extremely well and we had some great results. A big thank you also to all of the volunteers who helped out as well to make the event a success. Thanks to Justin Stent of Stent Event Photography for taking photos during the races, they will be posted within a couple of days to the website. The top three triathletes from each of the timed races are listed below, but there is a link to Precision Sports Timing for a full list of results.

Short external (200m swim / 6km bike / 1.6km run):

  1. Tom Tudor
  2. Ben Broadley
  3. Xanthe Keegan

Enticer (400m swim / 10km bike / 2.5km run):

  1. Connor Whiteley
  2. Harrisen Bryant
  3. Sam Broadley

Sprint (400m swim / 20km bike / 5km run):

  1. Dave Hunter
  2. Phil Tudor
  3. Michael McDonald

The full results list can be found here: