The schedule for season 17/18
Hi Piranhas,
The bulk of the race calendar for season 17/18 is locked in and we want to share the dates with you:
1. Mudgee Sun 19 Nov
2. Cowra Sun 03 Dec
3. Bathurst Fri 26 Jan
4. Orange Sun 11 Feb
5. Dubbo Sun 11 Mar
There will be more info as we approach the start of the interclub series on how the points scores will work.
Hosted events:
All events this season will now be held at Gosling Creek – an exciting new venue for our club:
Sun 24 Sep: Annual Breaking the Ice duathlon
Sun 15 Oct: Triathlon (duathlon if Gosling not warm!)
Sat/Sun 04/05 Nov: 2nd annual Juniors Weekend
Sun 10 Dec: Club triathlon
Sun 21 Jan: Club triathlon
Sun 11 Feb: Orange Interclub
Sun 04 Mar: Club triathlon
Sun 24 Mar: Tri NSW Club Champs
Watch for announcements on more events when we lock these down. This will include the dates for the 3 annual summer Open Water Swims.
On behalf of the Committee
Dave Hunter